Please mark your calendars for Sunday, April 28th for the 2024 Metro Hit-a-Thon & Team Picture Day!
The Hit-a-Thon is the biggest fundraiser for Metro, and it helps offset Little League Charter Fees, insurance, field rental and equipment, and other costs of operating the league.
Check out the Hit-a-Thon fundraiser page here to see how we are tracking against our goal of $15,000!
Share your child's Hit-a-Thon goal with family and friends, using a message like this one:
[CHILD NAME] is participating in my Hit-a-Thon fundraiser on April 28th, and would love your support. You can support by a flat donation or pledge funds for each hit. If you'd like to donate, you can do so online at the following link: [INSERT YOUR PLEDGE PAGE LINK]
Thanks for your support!